
Emancipation Station
Emancipation Station is a safe comfortable space for women to shelter who would otherwise be on the streets. We provide a caring community that seeks to restore dignity to broken and discouraged women. Showers, laundry facilities, clean clothes, and hot meals are available weekdays 8:30 a.m. – 3:30 p.m.
A case manager assists with re-housing and community referrals. Job searches and applications may be accessed in our computer lab. Field trips and special celebrations occur several times a year. Classes are offered in life skills, fitness, sewing, and Bible study. We welcome volunteers to teach additional classes in your area of interest.

Women’s Transitional Home
Our 2-story bungalow provides a comfortable temporary home where women may reside while working toward re-housing. Guests access all True Light services while staying in our home (classes, case management, meals, free clothes closet, etc.). On average, 85% of our residents achieve permanent housing after a 3-month stay.
Our home is unique in the Kansas City area in that we do not require women to have an addiction diagnosis for entrance. Thus, our home is available to a wider population of homeless women. Donations for repairs and upkeep are always needed.

Family Clothes Closet
Quality seasonal clothing is available without cost to meet the needs of men, women, and children. Gently used clothing donations are welcomed Monday – Thursday 10 a.m. -2:30 p.m., 712 E 31st St.

Community Breakfast Program
Each Saturday, in collaboration with Metropolitan Lutheran Ministry, True Light provides a balanced, nutritious meal for homeless or impoverished men and women. For many of the participants, this may be their only complete meal of the weekend. Volunteer servers are needed from 7:30 a.m. – 9:30 a.m. on the first Saturday of each month.

Sack Lunch Program
We provide 5,000 sack lunches per year to hungry street-dwellers. Included in our sacks are 1 protein food (small cans of Vienna sausages in pull-top cans or tuna/chicken salad kits with crackers), 1 fruit cup or small fresh orange, 1 granola bar, chips, and water. Donations of these items are greatly appreciated.

Elderly Food Distribution Program
We deliver one bag of nutritious groceries monthly to 75 elderly shut-ins in 3 surrounding low-income apartment complexes. Residents wait excitedly in line in anticipation of our monthly deliveries.

Computer Access
True Light FRC provides access to computers for women and men to search job sites and complete applications. Volunteers are available to work with/teach those without computer skills.

Happy Bottoms Diaper Partnership
Through a collaboration with the city-wide Happy Bottoms program, True Light provides 50 diapers per month to low-income families.

Hygiene & Household Supplies Program
In collaboration with local nonprofit, Giving the Basics, True Light provides “personal dignity” supplies (soap, deodorant, toothpaste and toothbrushes, combs, shampoo, disposable razors, feminine pads, etc.) and household items (toilet paper, paper towels, laundry soap, etc.). These items are highly sought after as they cannot be purchased with food stamps.

Beginning and Advanced Sewing
Whether threading a machine for the first time, making or altering a garment, women are guided from beginning to completion of their projects. This useful skill builds self-esteem and confidence in participants.

Contact Us
712 E 31st Street Kansas City, Missouri. 64109
Resource Center M-F: 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Emancipation Station M-F: 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.